free service for tracking cargo

Air Cargo Tracking

Air Cargo Tracking

Air Cargo Tracking service of the Live Cargo Tracking website has importance for people who wait for their orders from abroad countries. You can use the air cargo tracking service on the website including for both Korean air cargo tracking and American air cargo tracking processes.

How to Make Air Cargo Tracking Online?

When you contact your shopping website consultants for express cargo tracking operation, they will forward air cargo tracking number to you. Well, how to make cargo tracking online?

1 – Use the International Cargo Tracking Number

Including Southwest air cargo tracking and United air cargo tracking operations need to have a cargo tracking number. If you have the private cargo tracking number, you can use it and track your package’s last location.

In order to track air cargo, you should enter your ten-digit cargo tracking number on the Live Cargo Tracking website. After clicking on the Track button, there will be shown details of the cargo’s last situation in the delivery process.

2 - What is Prefix in Airway Bill Tracking?

The cargo tracking number has two different parts in it. The first part of the number has 3 digits and the other part of the number has 8 digits to 10 digits. The first part of the number represents the airline code. For example, to make the Turkish Cargo Tracking process, you should enter TK 235 in the first part of the air cargo tracking tool.

3 – Experience the Fast Delivery with Cargo Plane

If you want to send or get a delivery from an abroad country, you can use different transportation methods such as cargo plane or cargo ship. If you want to send your package abroad in a limited time, the best way of this will be a cargo plane. Well, how to make cargo tracking of your package?

How to Track Trace Air Cargo?

When you sent cargo abroad, you can prefer to use a logistic company that has a cargo plane. After you selected one of the best express cargo companies, you can send your package fast and safely. For making your friend can be able to track your cargo’s last location, you should forward air cargo tracking number to him/her. Then, he/she can track the package’s last position.

4 – Why is Important to Make Air Cargo Tracking?

The Air Cargo Tracking service on this website gives a chance to follow your order’s last location on the transportation process. If you have a special day and you have planned to use your order on that day, the delivery time of your package will have higher importance. Therefore, you will need to make air cargo tracking online.

Bonus: Advantages of Air Cargo Transportation

Air cargo is one of the types of transportation methods with fewer risks such as accidents and theft compared to sea and road transportation. In addition, the care shown during handling and loading minimizes the possibility of damage to the cargoes. When all these results are evaluated, we can say that air cargo transportation is a reliable method.

In addition, the presence of superior safety measures taken at the airline and the air cargo loading areas increases the reliability of air cargo. Air cargo also takes measures according to the quality and quantity of the cargo you want to send. For example, cold chain cargo can be used for perishable cargoes and a different method may be used for the transportation of textile products.

Can An Air Cargo Be Tracked?

If your package will transport on an air cargo plane, you can exactly track your package online. Having a cargo track number that can be designed for your airline will help you to follow your package. You should enter private number of your cargo. Then click on the Track button on the website. After this step, you can track the air cargo transportation process of your order.